Fat Filled Milk powder

Fat Filled Milk powder (Instant And Regular)

Blends of milk powders and vegetable fat (coconut or palm). Cheaper alternative to full Cream milk powder.

High-fat content:

up to 28,00 %

High Protein content:

up to 26,00%


Variant Product IFFMP-28% Fat,24% Protein (Instant) IFFMP-28% Fat,18% Protein (Instant) IFFMP-28% Fat,10% Protein (Instant) IFFMP-28% Fat,4% Protein (Instant)
Sr. No Parameters Specification Specification Specification Specification
1 Type of fat Vegetable (Palm oil) Vegetable (Palm oil) Vegetable (Palm oil) Vegetable (Palm oil)
2 Color Creamy White Creamy White Creamy White Creamy White
3 Taste & Flavor Clean & Pleasant Clean & Pleasant Clean & Pleasant Clean & Pleasant
4 Moisture 4.0(% by mass max) 4.0(% by mass max) 4.0(% by mass max) 4.0(% by mass max)
5 Fat % (by mass) 28.0(min) 28.0(min) 28.0(min) 28.0(min)
6 Insolubility index 2.0 ml(max) 2.0 ml(max) 2.0 ml(max) 2.0 ml(max)
7 Protein %(ODB) 24.0(min) 18.0(min) 10.0(min) 4.0(min)
8 Total ash %(ODB) 5.80(max) 5.80(max) 5.80(max) 5.80(max)
9 Titratable acidity(%LA) 0.12(max) 0.12(max) 0.12(max) 0.12(max)
10 Scorch sediments Grade 15mg max(equialent to disc-B) 16mg max(equialent to disc-B) 17mg max(equialent to disc-B) 17mg max(equialent to disc-B)
Microbiological specifications
11 Total Becterial COunt,cfu/gm 3000 3000 3000 3000
12 Coliform count,cfu/gm Absent Absent Absent Absent
13 E.coli/gm Absent Absent Absent Absent
Why Choose

Type of package


Minimum 3-layer paper Bag with PE liner. The PE liner is sealed and the bag is sewn with paper tape. The Bag is approved for contact with food.