This type of coupling provide a solid connection between two shafts high precision and torque but without misalignment absorption capabilities it allows no movement between two shafts and they require lubrication in many times.A rigid coupling permits neither axial nor radial relative motion between the shafts of the driver and driven unit. When the two shafts are connected solidly and properly, they operate as a single shaft. A rigid coupling is primarily used for vertical applications, e.g., vertical pump. Types of rigid couplings discussed in this section are flanged, split, and compression. Flanged couplings are used where there is free access to both shafts. Split couplings are used where access is limited on one side. Both flanged and split couplings require the use of keys and keyways. Compression couplings are used when it is not possible to use keys and keyways (e.g., brass shafts). Flanged A flanged rigid coupling is comprised of two halves, one located on the end of the driver shaft and the other on the end of the driven shaft. These halves are bolted together to form a solid connection. To positively transmit torque, the coupling incorporates axially fitted keys and split circular key rings or dowels, which eliminate frictional dependency for transmission.

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